Designation : Assistant Professor (CSE - Cyber Security)
Edu. Qualification : M. Tech.(ES), (PhD)
Specialization : ES
Total Experience : 18 years
JNTUH ID : 38150406-074116
E-Mail :
Teaching Experience
18 years
2. P. Neha Reddy, A. Vaishnavi, M. Ashutosh, Mukesh Gilda, “Analysis On Capsule
Networks to Detect Forged Images and Videos” , Volume : 07, Issue: 01, January
2023, (ISSN: 2582-3930)
DOI: 10.55041/IJSREM17495
1. L. V. S. Raghuveer, Mukesh Gilda, B. Bindu Bhavani, “Weed Plant Seedling
Classification using Deep Learning” published in International Journal of Modern
Electronics & Communication Engineering, Volume 7, May 2019, ISSN: 2321-
2152 (Online).
Patents Published
3. Computer Architecture by NPTEL.
2. Computer Networks and Internet Protocol by NPTEL.
1. Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems by NPTEL.
Participation in Workshops / Conferences
1. “IUCEE International Engineering Educator Pre-Certification Workshop” from
28/11/2016 to 30/11/2016, in association with IUCEE.
Faculty development programs attended
3. “VLSI Circuits & Systems”, FDP conducted by Sphoorthy Engineering College, in
association UGC-HRDC, JNTU, Hyderabad from 13/11/2017 to 18/11/2017.
2. “NBA- Outcome Based Education & SAR Filing”, FDP conducted by JNTU
Hyderabad & RTU, Kota, Rajasthan,on 24/05/2019 & 25/09/2019.
1. “Quality Improvement in Technical Education through Outcome Based Education”
FDP conducted by Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, on 14/12/2018 &