Designation : Assistant Professor (CSE - Cyber Security)
Edu. Qualification : M.E.,(Ph.d)
Total Experience : 14
JNTUH ID : 3601-170914-105058
AICTE ID : 1-7354084512
E-Mail :
T.Manigandan, A.Ranjidha and A.Ramesh Kumar Published “Survey On Medical Image Retrieval Based On Shape Features And Relevance Vector Machine Classification” in International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Volume 2, Issue 3/May-June 2013.
T.Manigandan, A.Ranjidha and A.Ramesh Kumar “A High-Availability Algorithm for Hypercube Network Architectures using Parallel Computing” in International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology(IJARTET) Volume 7, Issue 7/July 2020.
T.Manigandan, Dr.D.Sasikumar, S.T.Saravanan Purakala Vol 31 Issue 2, 2022, ISSN:0971-2143,UGC Care Approved Journal 824, Received: 10th April, Revised: 28th April 2022, Accepted: 25th May 2022, BrainTumor Identification by Learning with JPEG Coefficient Filters through deviations.
Participation in Workshops / Conferences
Presented a paper entitled “Enhancing Inter Vehicular communication using VANET” in 3rd National conference on Innovative Intelligence in Computer Technology – NCICT2K’16 at Adithya Institute of Technology on 18th March 2016.
Presented a paper entitled “ Identifying misbehavior’s in WIFI network using activity monitoring tool ” in eighth National conference on Innovation in Computing Techniques at Mahendra Engineering College on 28th March 2014.
Presented a paper entitled “ Retrieval of images based on segmentation of feature extraction & classification” in seventh National conference on Innovation in Computing Techniques at Mahendra Engineering College on 15th March 2013.
Presented a paper titled” Estimating and enhancing real-time data service delays: Control theoretic approaches” in the First National conference on Computational Intelligence for modeling and optimization by CK college of Engineering and technology, Cuddalore, April 11th and 12th 2012.
Presented a technical paper titled “Secure and Efficient data transmission over body sensor wireless network in M-Healthcare system” in the National Conference on Advanced Technologies by Selvam College of Technology, February 26th 2010.
Participated in National Conference on Networks, Intelligence and Computing systems and presented a paper entitled “Multiparty voice conferencing” by Vivekanandha College of Engineering for women, Apirl 1st & 2nd 2009.
Faculty development programs attended
Participated 5Days FDP on “ Image Processing and Computer Vision” Organized by Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women from 28th Feb to 4th March 2022.
Participated AICTE sponsored STTP on “ Social Network Analysis – Emerging Trends and Challenges” by Knowledge Institute of Technology from 02.11.2020 to 07.11.2020.
Participated FDP on “Patent Drafting for Beginners” organized by Salem College of Engineering on 26.04.2020.
Actively participated 7days FDP on “Leadership, Cyber Security, Patent” organized by SNMV College of Arts and Science Institute of Management form 08.06.2020 to 15.06.2020.
Participated FDP on “Computer Networks” at The Kavery Engineering College from 15.12.14 to 21.12.14.