Basic Details

  • Full Name : T.Manigandan
  • Designation : Assistant Professor (CSE - Cyber Security)
  • Edu. Qualification : M.E.,(Ph.d)
  • Specialization :
  • Total Experience : 14
  • JNTUH ID : 3601-170914-105058
  • AICTE ID : 1-7354084512
  • E-Mail :


  • T.Manigandan, A.Ranjidha and A.Ramesh Kumar Published “Survey On Medical Image Retrieval Based On Shape Features And Relevance Vector Machine Classification” in International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Volume 2, Issue 3/May-June 2013.
  • T.Manigandan, A.Ranjidha and A.Ramesh Kumar “A High-Availability Algorithm for Hypercube Network Architectures using Parallel Computing” in International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology(IJARTET) Volume 7, Issue 7/July 2020.
  • T.Manigandan, Dr.D.Sasikumar, S.T.Saravanan Purakala Vol 31 Issue 2, 2022, ISSN:0971-2143,UGC Care Approved Journal 824, Received: 10th April, Revised: 28th April 2022, Accepted: 25th May 2022, BrainTumor Identification by Learning with JPEG Coefficient Filters through deviations.

Participation in Workshops / Conferences

  • Presented a paper entitled “Enhancing Inter Vehicular communication using VANET” in 3rd National conference on Innovative Intelligence in Computer Technology – NCICT2K’16 at Adithya Institute of Technology on 18th March 2016.
  • Presented a paper entitled “ Identifying misbehavior’s in WIFI network using activity monitoring tool ” in eighth National conference on Innovation in Computing Techniques at Mahendra Engineering College on 28th March 2014.
  • Presented a paper entitled “ Retrieval of images based on segmentation of feature extraction & classification” in seventh National conference on Innovation in Computing Techniques at Mahendra Engineering College on 15th March 2013.
  • Presented a paper titled” Estimating and enhancing real-time data service delays: Control theoretic approaches” in the First National conference on Computational Intelligence for modeling and optimization by CK college of Engineering and technology, Cuddalore, April 11th and 12th 2012.
  • Presented a technical paper titled “Secure and Efficient data transmission over body sensor wireless network in M-Healthcare system” in the National Conference on Advanced Technologies by Selvam College of Technology, February 26th 2010.
  • Participated in National Conference on Networks, Intelligence and Computing systems and presented a paper entitled “Multiparty voice conferencing” by Vivekanandha College of Engineering for women, Apirl 1st & 2nd 2009.

Faculty development programs attended

  • Participated 5Days FDP on “ Image Processing and Computer Vision” Organized by Bharathiyar Institute of Engineering for Women from 28th Feb to 4th March 2022.
  • Participated AICTE sponsored STTP on “ Social Network Analysis – Emerging Trends and Challenges” by Knowledge Institute of Technology from 02.11.2020 to 07.11.2020.
  • Participated FDP on “Patent Drafting for Beginners” organized by Salem College of Engineering on 26.04.2020.
  • Actively participated 7days FDP on “Leadership, Cyber Security, Patent” organized by SNMV College of Arts and Science Institute of Management form 08.06.2020 to 15.06.2020.
  • Participated FDP on “Computer Networks” at The Kavery Engineering College from 15.12.14 to 21.12.14.
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