Basic Details

  • Full Name : Mr. S.T.Saravanan
  • Designation : Assistant Professor (CSE - Cyber Security)
  • Edu. Qualification : M.E.,(Ph.d)
  • Specialization :
  • Total Experience : 11 years 4 months
  • JNTUH ID : 6930-211217-215458
  • AICTE ID : 1-3379997398
  • E-Mail :


  • Mr. S.T.Saravanan, Ms.C.Elakkiya and Ms.J.Arokiyaraj “Secure Data Sharing in Cloud using LDSS”, Journal of Applied Science and Computations (JASC), Volume: VI Issue: III, March 2019, ISSN: 1076-5131.
  • Mr. S.T.Saravanan, Purakala Vol 31 Issue 2, 2022, ISSN:0971-2143,UGC Care Approved Journal 824, Accepted: 25th May 2022, “Brain Tumor Identification by Learning with JPEG Coefficient Filters through deviations”.
  • Mr.S.T.Saravanan, Ms.N.Sasikala and Ms.A.Surya “Multihop Communication using Dynamic Network Analysis”, International journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET), Volume: 4 Issue: 11, March 2017, pp. 528 – 532, ISSN: 2394-37

Participation in Workshops / Conferences

  • Presented a paper in National conference titled “Evaluate real – time data service delays control in theoretic approaches” at JCT college of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore held on September 6th & 7th, 2012.
  • Presented a paper “Copy right protection using authentication keys for Audio, Video and Image based on digital watermarking” in the National Conference on Innovations in Computing Techniques by Mahendra Engineering College, April 2nd 2008.
  • Presented a paper “Document clustering based on genetic algorithm with PSO based mutation” in the National Conference on Current trends in CSE & IT by Paavai Engineering College, March 27th & 28th 2009.
  • Presented a paper titled “An interface between Humans and Smart infrastructure systems” in the National Conference on New Evolutions in Computing Technology by the Department of Computer Science Engineering & Information Technology, Kamban Engineering College, March 9th & 10th 2007.

Faculty development programs attended

  • Attended Faculty Program on NBA on 05.09.2020 organized by Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Mumbai.
  • Participated FDP on JAVA organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay from 05.04.2020 to 13.04.2020.
  • “Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate (Online FDP)”, ICT Academy on 20 Jun 2022 to 22 Jun 2022.
  • Actively participated Faculty Awareness Program on NAAC organized by RD’s Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune from 10.05.2020 to 15.05.2020.
  • Participated 5 Days FDP on “Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Applications”, Online One-Week National Level Faculty Development Programme from 25 July to 29 July – 2022
  • “Cyber Security”, JNTUH, Two Days FDP on 02 Dec 2022 to 03 Dec 2022.
  • Participated One week FDP “Cyber Security and Forensics”, JNTUH, Online Short Term Course from 14 Nov 2022 to 19 Nov 2022
  • Attended Short Term Training Programme AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Sponsored Online FDP on “Digital Forensics and Anti-Forensics”, 05 Dec 2022 to 16 Dec 2022.
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