Basic Details

  • Full Name : Dr.K.Subbarao
  • Designation : Head of Department (CSE - Cyber Security)
  • Edu. Qualification : M. Tech, Ph.D.
  • Total Experience : 35 years (Overall Exp)
  • E-Mail :

Patents Published

  • Dudul S.V and Ghatol A. A. “Identification of a Typical CD player Arm Using Two-layer Perceptron Neural Network”, Neural Networks, 2003. Proceedings of the international joint Conference On, Volume 2, Portland, Oregon, USA, 20 -24 July 2003, IEEE Catalog No. 03CH37464C, ISSN: 1098-7576, ISBN: 0-7803-7899-7, INSPEC Accession Number: 7883881, Vol. 2, Digital Object Identifier 10.1103/IJCNN. 2003. 1223855, page(s): 1157-1162.
  • Raghava Bhonagiri “ Embedded Ethernet Interface using Arm Processor” IOSR JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING(IOSR-JECE) ISSN:2278-2834 ISBN:2278-8735 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 (JUN-FEB 2013) PP24-28
  • Raghava Bhongiri “Public Transportation Management Services by Integrating GSM-GPS” IOSR JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING(IOSR-JECE) ISSN:2278-2834 ISBN:2278-8735 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 6 (JUN-FEB 2013) PP24-28
  • Charniya N.N and Dudul Sanjay, “Neural Network based Sensor for Classification of Material type And its Surface Properties”,“Neural Networks, 2007. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on, IJCNN-2007, August 12-17, 2007, at the Renaissance Orlando Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA, Digital Object Identifier10.1109/IJCNN.2007.4370994, ISSN: 1098-7576, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1380-5, page(s):424-429 .

Presentations in International Conferences

  • Kharat G.U and Dudul S.V.”Discrete Cosine Transforms fro facial emotions recognition using SVM” International Conferences SPIT-IEEE colloquium, Sardhar Patel college of engineering, Mumbai,4-5 Feb.2008
  • Kharat G.U and Dudul S.V.”FFT for emotion recognition from facial expression using SVM”ACM international conference on advances in computing (ICAC2008),Feb 21-22,2008,Anuradha college of engineering, Chikhali, pp. 89-92,ISBN 978-81-906457-1-3
  • Dudul S.V. and Ghatol A.A. (2002),” Prediction of Lorenz nonlinear dynamical chaotic system using radial basis function neural networks”, Proceedings of the International Conferences on knowledge based computer systems(KBCS-2002),ISBN:81-259-1428-5,pp.421-430.
  • Charniya N.N. and Dudul S.V. “Development of Sensors for classification of Materials types using radial basis function neural network”, International conference on signal processing and communication networks and applications, Madras Institute of technology, Jan 2008,Chennai, pp.394-398.
  • Kharat G.U. and Dudul S.V.”Emotional recognition from facial expression using SVM”, International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applications in Engineering ,Technology and sciences (ICETAETS-2008),13-14 Jan 2008,Saurastra university, Rajkot, pp. 2243-2248.
  • Raut R.D. and Dudul S.V.”Optimal DSS for Diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias using PCA Neural Netowrk”, International Conferences on Advances in Computer Vision and Information Technology International, 28-30 nov,2007,pp. 406-413.
  • Charniya N.N. and Dudul S.V. “Development of Sensors for classification of Materials types using neural networks”, IEEE computer society sponsored international conference on computer networks and multimedia applications Mepco college of engineering ,Dec 2007,Sevakshi,pp. 174-178.
  • Kale S.N. and Dudul S.V. “Removal of noise from EMG Signal using focused time lagged recurrent neural network”, International conference on advances in computer vision and information technology(ACVIT-07), Dr.baba sahib marathwada university, Aurangabad, ISBN:978-81-89866-74-7,I.K.International, 28-30 November, 2007,pp. 429-438.
  • Badjate S.L. and Dudul S.V”A novel neural network Model for short time prediction of chaotic Mackey glass time series” proceedings of the international conference “Recent advanced applications of computers in electrical engineering”(RACE),Engineering College,Bikaner,24-25 March 2007.
  • Badjate S.L. and Dudul S.V ” Prediction of Mackey-Glass Chaotic time series using focused time lagged recurrent neural network model”, IEEE INDICON-2007,CPRI,Banglore,6-8 sep 2007.
  • Kelo S.M. and Dudul S.V. “a novel focused time-lagged recurrent neural network with gamma memory filter for short term electrical load forecasting ,”proceedings of the international conference “Recent advanced applications of computers in electrical engineering”(RACE), Engineering college,Bikaner,24-25 March 2007
  • Dakhole P.T. and Dudul S.V.”Realization of Quaternary Logic cells using Threshold Voltage Approach of CMOS Devices” proceedings of the International conference “Recent Advanced applications of computers in Electrical Engineering ”(RACE),Engineering college,Bikaner,24-25 March 2007.
  • Karule P.T and Dudul S.V.”RBF NN based DSS for diagnosis of hepatics: Differential learning approach”, proceedings of the international conference “Recent Advanced applications of computers in electrical engineering”(RACE), Engineering college,Bikaner,24-25 March 2007.
  • Ghate V.N. and Dudul S.V.”Failures in squirrel-cage induction motors : causes and analysis,” proceedings of the International conference “Recent Advanced Applications of computers in electrical engineering ”(RACE),Engineering college,Bikaner,24-25 March 2007.
  • Naikwad S.N. and Dudul S.V.”Identification of a typical Magnetic stirrer using optimal Focused time lag recurrent neural network model.” proceedings of the international conference “Recent Advanced application of computers in electrical engineering “(RACE),Engineering college, Bikaner,24-25 March 2007.
  • Charniya N.N. and Dudul S.V. “Neural Networks based auto calibration of RTD Module: Astep towards development of intelligent sensor” Proceedings of the international conference on advances in Electronics and communications, icon ADELCO-2007,Kovilpatti (T.N),February 1-3,2007,pp. 733-740.
  • Charniya N.N and dudul S.V. “Novel method For classification of material type and its surface properties,” proceedings of the 4th International conference of Electrical and computer engineering, IEEE international conference, ICECE-2006,Dhaka,Bangladesh,Dec-19-21,2006,ISBN:98432-3814-1,INSPEC Accession Number: 949831, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ICECE.2006.355654 pp.394-397
  • Raut,R.D. and Dudul S.V.”Design of Intelligent decision support system for diagnosis of cardiac arthythmias using MLP neural network” Proceedings of the first IEEE international conference on Signal and Image processing ICSIP- 2006, organized by B.V. Bhoomaradhi college of engineering and technology, Hunli, Karnataka,India,Dec-7-9,2006,McMillian India pp.374-379.
  • Charniya N.N and Dudul S.V.” Discrimination of material type and its surface properties using signal processing and dural networks” proceedings of the first IEEE international conference on signaling and image processing ICSIP-2006 organized by B.V. Bhoomaradhi college of engineering and technology, Hunli, Karnataka,India,Dec-7-9,2006,McMillian India pp.215-218.
  • Dudul S.V. and Mrs.Kale S.N.”Design of MLP Neural network model for a demodulation for the frequency modulated signal” proceedings for the first IEEE international conference on signal and image processing ICSIP-2006,Organised by B.V.Bhoomaradhi College of engineering and technology, Hunli, Karnataka,India,Dec-7-9,2006,McMillian India pp.235-240.
  • Naikward S.N. and dudul S.V. “IDetification of a typical magnetic stirrer using optimal RDF dural network model”, Procedings of PECA-IFToMM, International conference PICA-2006 jointly organized by priya darshini college of engineering and architecture, Nagpur and international federation for the CAS of mechanism and machine science, July 11-14,2006.
  • Ghate-VN. And Dudul S.V,” Fault detection and diagnosis of induction motor using AI techniques-review” proceedings of PECA-IFToMM, International conference PICA-2006 jointly organized by priya darshini college of engineering and architecture, Nagpur and international federation for the CAS of mechanism and machine science, July 11-14,2006.
  • Dudul S.V. And Kale S.N,” Demodulation of frequency modulated signal using journalized field forward neural network”, proceedings of PECA-IFToMM International conference PICA-2006 jointly organized by priya darshini college of engineering and architecture, Nagpur and international federation for the CAS of mechanism and machine science, July 11-14,2006.
  • Karule P.T. and Dudul S.V.”Optimal DSS for diagnosis of hepatices using RBF neural netowrk” Proceedings of PECA-IFToMM International conference PICA-2006,jointly organized by priya darshini college of engineering and architecture, Nagpur and international federation for the CAS of mechanism and machine science, July 11-14,2006.
  • Dudul S.V. and Raut R.D.”Neural network based classifier for cardiac arrhythmias” proceedings of PECA-IFTOMM, International conference PICA-2006 jointly organized by Priya darshini college of Engineering and architecture, Nagpur and international Federation for the CAS of mechanisms and Machine science, July 11-14,2006
  • Dudul S.V. and Ghatol A.A. “ Identification of a typical Hydraulic Actuator system using a two-layer preceptor neural network Model” Proceedings of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary aspects of Engineering (IMAE-2005), Pune (Jan 7-8, 2005).
  • Dudul S.V. and Mrs. Kale S.N.”Estimation of men’s body fat using MLP Neural Network as a Nonlinear Multivariable Regress or”, Proceedings of the international conference on instrumentation (INCON-2004), Pune (Dec. 19-21,2004)
  • Mrs.Kale S.N. and Dudul S.V. “Determination of age abalone using recurrent neutral network as a regressor model,” proceedings of the International conferences on Multidisplinary aspects of engineering (IMAE-2005), Pune (Jan 7-8,2005)
  • S.V. Dudul and S.R. Kalmegh,” Breast cancer Diagnosis Using a MLP Neural network.” Proceedings of the international conference of Human machine interfaces (ICHMI-2004), Dec.20-23, 2004, Editors: B. V. Dasarathy,,Tata Mc.Graw-Hill, 2004, ISBN: 0-07-059757-X, pp.482-490.
  • Dudul S.V. and Mrs. RaultR.D.” Optimal Classifier Based on PCA Neural network for breast cancer Diagnosis,” Proceedings if the International conference on mutlidisplinary aspects of engineering (IMAE-2005),Pune (Jan 7-8,2005)
  • Dudul S.V.”Modeling of liquid Saturated steam heat exchanger using two layer perception neural network”, proceedings of the International conference on Industrial Mathematics (ICIWIM-2002),December 7-9,2002,Department of mathematics, IIT Bombay, India, pp. 48-49.
  • S.V. Dudul and Mrs. R.D.Raut,”MLP Neural Network based classifier for Lymphography”,Trends in Human Machine Interfaces , proceedings of the International conference on instrumentation, Dec.19-21,2004,Pune,Editors: S. Agashe, et al. Thomson Learning 2005.ISBN 981-265-174-8,pp. 233-236.
  • S.V. Dudul, S.N. Naikwad and V.N. Madansure,” Microprocessor based maximum solar energy tracker and scope for advance computer techniques for solar photo volic system”, Proceedings of International conference on computer applications in Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances,Sept.1997,Roorke,India,pp. 714-719.
  • S. V. Dudul,,” Identification of Time varying dynamic systems: A neural Network Approach”, Proceedings of the International Conference on control, Instrumentation and information Communication, held at Calcutta, December 13-15, 2001,pp. 19-24.

Participation in Workshops / Conferences

  • Fifth course on Telematrics: Signal Processing at Indian Institue of Technology,New Delhi from 26th June to 15th July 1998.
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