Designation : Assistant Professor (CSE - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
Edu. Qualification : M Tech(CSE)
Total Experience : 14 Years
JNTUH ID : 39150404-135724
AICTE ID : 1-1513320428
E-Mail :
Teaching Experience
14 Years
Novel event processing systems in large-scale delivered applications 2014 IJIRT,Volume 1 Issue 5 | ISSN: 2349-6002
Identity-Based Integrity Verification using PDP in Multi Cloud Storage Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2014 IJARCSMS ISSN: 2327782 (Online)
Accountability for Data Sharing in a Cloud IJDCST, October 2013 Issue- V-1, I-6, SW-31 ISSN-2320-7884 (Online)
Trust Based Integration of Human Provided Services and Service Oriented Systems International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 4 Issue10 – Oct 2013
Participation in Workshops / Conferences
Attended STTP through ICT Mode on “Problem Based Learning” organised by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Kolkata from 02-12-2019 to 06-12-2019
Attended AICTE-STTP on “Outcome Based Pedagogical Inititiatives for EffectiveTeaching and Learning” organised by Dept of CSE, MEC, Hyderabad from 19-04-2021 to 24-04-2021
Faculty development programs attended
Attended FDP on “Python Programming” organised by Dept of CSE, VITS, Hyderabad in association with Brain-O-Vision on 26-06-2018 to 02- 07-2018
Attended Refresher programme on “Computational Intelligence using MachineLearning Techniques” sponsored by AICTE-ISTE, New Delhi, at MEC, Hyderabadfrom 23-07-2018 to 28-07-2018.
Attended FDP on “Big Data Analytics on Cloud with Hands-on” organised by Deptof IT, MVSR, Hyderabad from 06-01-2020 to 11-01-2020
Attended FDP on “Block Chain Management” organised by Dept of CSE, VITS,Hyderabad in association with Brain-O-Vision on 01-07-2019 to 06-07- 2019