Designation : Assistant Professor (CSE - Cyber Security)
Edu. Qualification : M.Tech.
Specialization : Cyber Security
Total Experience : 7 Years
JNTUH ID : 9676-150427-152043
AICTE ID : 1-2638415068
E-Mail :
B.surya narayana reddy & v.sreeetharan international journal of research(ICJR) ISSN NO:2236-6124 Gaussian Method Based Carbon Emission Analysis, volume xii,ISSUE v may/2023.
B.surya narayana reddy, international journal of computer science engineering and technology(IJCSET) issn no:2455-9091 air pollution hotspot detection using machine learning and iot, volume 9,issue 4 april/2023. DOI:
B.surya narayana reddy ,international journal of computer trends and technology (IJCTT) volume 4 issue 5-may-2013 mobile location –based tour guide system issn:2231-2803 DOI:http://www/
Presentations in International Conferences
Participated In International Conference On Automation, Intelligent & Communication (ICAICC-2023), RCET.
Organize Committee and Participated in 3rd International Conference on Innovations and Recent Trends Computer Science(ICIRTCS-23),SMEC.
Participation in Workshops / Conferences
Participated in one day International Workshop on Cloud Computing Cooperation with University of Melbourne, GPREC.
Faculty development programs attended
Participated In One Week Faculty Development Program On Web Services And IOT, GNITS.
Participated In 60 Hours Of Professional Development For The Oracle Academy Course (DATABASE DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING WITH SQL).
Participated In The Five Day Faculty Development Program On IOT Using Python (ISTE And Collaborated With Synxa Pvt Ltd),CMREC.
Participated In The Five Day Faculty Development Program On Instructional Design and Delivery Systems,SVCET.