Designation : Professor (Computer Science and Engineering)
Edu. Qualification : M. Tech., Ph.D.
Specialization : Data Mining
Total Experience : 20 Years
E-Mail :
Malware detection through predictive analytics in cyber
supply chain security, e- ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, International Journal Of Engineering Research And Development, Volume 20, Issue 5 (May. 2024)
Boosting the accuracy of optimization chatbot by random forest with halving grid search hyperparameter tuning issn: 2229-6956 (online) ictact journal on soft computing, april 2023, volume: 13, issue: 03 doi: 10.21917/ijsc.2023.0413 special issue on innovations and intelligence for computing and technologies (iict-2023) pages 3007-3013.
“Design and Development of an Optimization chatbot based on Random Forest Machine Learning Algorithm with Hyper parameter tuning”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Multidisciplinary journal,, Vol.13, No. 76, 2023 feb , pages 53279-53287
“Developing a web 3.0 DApp for NEFT based Digital Art Marketplace on the Etharium Blockchain” in Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research(JETIR), Volume 20, issue 5, ISSN-2349-5162
Suspicious Activity Recognition from Video Surveillance
System, e- ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, International Journal Of Engineering Research And Development, Volume 20, Issue 5 (May. 2024)
“A study on need and application of Data Mining and Analytical Techniques in Music Therapy” in Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology A Scopus indexed and UGC CARE Journal, volume 50, issue 06 - 2021 with paper id: HST-0621-284, ISSN-1671-4512
2. “Detecting and counting the bacterial colonies using image processing approach” in Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, a UGC Care Journal, VOLUME 26, and ISSUE 7 2021, Paper id: CDU-0721-235.pdf ISSN-NO- 1671-9727. DOI:
Presentations in International Conferences
Presented a paper titled “Data Acquisition Techniques from IOT Devices for Smart Transportation: A Brief Overview” in ICT4SD 2022 and publication in Springer
Presented a paper titled “Review of Optimization Chatbot Trends, Tools, Technologies & Research Issues” International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Innovative Practices (ICMRIP-2021) Organized by J S University.
“Design of an Optimization Chatbot Model for Classification
Framework”, IFERP Publisher, 2021
“Research Paper to Design and Develop an Algorithm for
Optimization Chatbot”, Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligent
Systems Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, pp. 1-8, 2022.
“Research Paper to Design and Develop an Algorithm for Optimization Chatbot”, Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligent Systems, pp. 1-12, 2022.
Presented a paper titled “Research paper to design and develop an algorithm for optimization chatbot” in International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligent Information Systems during 26 July 2022.
Participation in Workshops / Conferences
Second IEEE International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Multidisciplinary Research
3rd International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence ICICI-2022
Faculty development programs attended
He has attended more than 40 FDPs in Online and Offline mode.
Reviewer for INSC Journals
Reviewer for the International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR), IGI Global Publication.
Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Professional Certificate
Learning How to Learn: Powerful Mental tools to help you master through subjects- Deep Teaching Solutions; April 27th, 2020; Grade- 90%
Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python – University of Michigan; April 25th,2020; Grade-97%
Foundations of Cyber Security – Google – 28th Nov, 2020; Grade: 96%.
Introduction to Tensorflow for artificial intelligencem Machine Learning and Deep Learning – DeepLearning.AI – May 07th, 2020; Grade:99%