Rhea Patel, Md Saiful Islam, Naresh Mondal, Bidhan Pramanick, “Non-faradaic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis of C-MEMS derived bio-modified glassy carbon electrode” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 32 (8), 084001.
Presentations in International Conferences
Rhea Patel, Naresh Mondal, Md Saiful Islam, Bidhan Pramanick, “Non-faradaic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study of a C-MEMS derived glassy carbon bio-modified electrode” – in C-MEMS 2021, the conference held on 13th, 14th and 15th September 2021.
Mini Project completed “Simulation of Electrokinetic Valve for Ion Separation using COMSOL Multiphysics.”
Mini Project completed “Intelligent Door Locking Using Face Reorganization for Car.”
Conducted seminar on “PC Based PID Controller for Flow Control of a Process.”
Project completed “Study of Breakdown Strength and Partial Discharge of Hybrid Nanocomposite for High Voltage Insulators.”
Project completed “Developing an aptamer-based plant pathogen detection sensor by C-MEMS derived glassy carbon electrodes.”
Project: going on “Biosynthesized AgNP Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode as a label-free non-faradaic impedance sensor for bacteria detection.”
Project going on “Developing of highly sensitive low-cost glucose sensor by C-MEMS derived glassy carbon electrodes to measure blood glucose value from sweat and saliva for the diabetic patient in a non-invasive way.”
Conducted seminar on “Human Tracking Using Kalman’s Filter.”