T Sreevani,P Hima bindu, Kaleem Ahmed Jaleeli, “Effect of nanoparticles on the various physical parameters of Human blood”, International Journal of Innovative Research in science,engineering and technology. Vol 4,Issue 7,July 2015
Presentations in International Conferences
T. Sreevani,Raghavendra ,P .Hima Bindu presented a poster on National Conference on RECENT ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES held at Department of Physics ,south campus Telangana University,Bhiknur,Kamareddy during 15-16 september 2017.
T. Sreevani, P. Hima Bindu, “BioPolymer formation with phosphatidylcholine interaction with salts at different pH” presented a poster on two day International conference on INNOVATIONS IN COMMERENCE AND SCIENCES held at nizam college during 29th and 30th November 2017
T.Sreevani presented a poster on National Conference on “ENVIRONMENTAL RADIATION AND FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS” held at Department of physics , University College of science,OU during Feb 28 to 1st march 2015.
T.Sreevani ,P. Hima BIndu, D. mahija presented a paper on National Seminar “RECENT APPLICATIONS IN MEDICINAL AND MATERIAL DEVICES” held at Nizam College ,OU. During 2 nd july 2016.
Participation in Workshops / Conferences
One day Seminar on “Characterization of Materials” held at Department of Physics, Nizam College on July 28 ,2015.
National Conference on “Absorption and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Their Integration to Sustainable Human Development” held at Department of physics ,OU Hyderabad during 30-31st August 2014.
National Seminar on “Physics and Quality of Life” held at Department of Physics and Electronics ,Osmania University College For Women,Koti,Hyderabad..during 24th -25th February 2014.
National Conference on “Advanced Materials for Energy Applications” held at Department of physics ,University college of science, OU during 31st January to1st February
International Conference on “NANO, BIO and MATERIAL SCIENCES” held at Department of physics, Nizam college during 8-10 January ,2014.
Faculty development programs attended
FDP on “Research Methodology” held at SVIT college during 9th -10th novermber 2016.